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How To Wash Smelly Workout Clothes
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How To Wash Smelly Workout Clothes - Trouble getting rid of stains & smells and lengthening the lifespan of your activewear?
Black November Deals ARE early! Coupon Codes Inside!
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You've been waiting for this all year. Wait no more, in fact it starts early! Here's our Black November and Black Friday deals! Enjoy them early! Send us...
Dear Younger Self, Read This...
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Ever written yourself a letter? It's something to think about. Would you write to your younger self? I know I have so many things I wish I could say there!...
The Unexpected Leap Forward
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No matter what sort of obstacle you’re facing today, I want to encourage you to not give up! The challenges you have at work, at school, at home, or in your...
Courage Required
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Hey Girl,Is courage required to face what’s ahead of you? Joshua needed courage when he was camped out at the bank of the Jordan River. The Israelites had been wandering in...
Doing This Has Helped Me Face My Deep Hurts...
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"I no longer allow my heart to be dominated by my situation, but instead by my revelation." I heard this from Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church. It stuck with...
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THE MARSHMALLOW TEST Happy Valentine's Day, ladies. Don't you love it? The reds, the pinks, the glitter and hearts? The flowers? And oh, the sweets! Yum. Every Valentine's, for...
A Question I Will Never Forget
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Friends, I have a question for you. A dear mentor and friend of mine, asked me this a while ago and I told her I would never forget it. She...
All I Can Say Is, You're Welcome
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Let's talk about Disney for a sec. Some of you, like me, just got excited. Anything Disney makes you smile (And for those anti-Disney enthusiasts, that's another blog for another day).I want...
Don't hold back!
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As we step into 2018, we are entering a new season of growth, influence, and impact. I believe God wants to take us further than we ever imagined. That’s why this...
Transformation Over Accomplishments
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Your calling isn’t just a career path—it’s a calling from heaven! Even though our society admires exceptional achievements and inspiring success stories—and I agree we should!—we ought to value the...
Mobilized for Success
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We hope you enjoy this week's blog pick from Propel Women: Dreaming big is great, but to achieve your goals you must build a bias for action into your life. So...
Preparation BEFORE Provision
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Prepare with our leggings and outerwear sale on right now! Get 18% OFF using code NEWYOU18 at checkout >>> www.gloryactive.com Also, we loved this blog so much we wanted to...
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DREAMS Remember how God gave Joseph the ability to interpret dreams? I think that's so cool. I could have used a Joseph this morning to interpret my...
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RELEASE IT Are you angry about something/someone right now? Only you know the details behind that emotion and only you are responsible for how you manifest and cope with...
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THAT KILLER PLAYLIST So, you've just been browsing through Glory Active's shop. You practiced great self-control and finally decided on those perfect pair of leggings and that cute racer back...
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YOUR ACTIONS FOLLOW YOUR BELIEFS What are your goals? Are you training for a fitness competition? An iron man? Half marathon? 5K? Are you on of those...
Hello, Beautiful. That's right, I'm talking to you.
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Hello, Beautiful. Yep, that’s right. I’m talking to you. You, sitting there at your desk, watching the clock tick tock as your list of tasks multiply. You, waiting at the doctor’s office...
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CHANGES LIKE THE WEATHER I got up extra early to knock out a short run this morning. Set out everything I'd need: my shoes, socks, shorts, tshirt, sports bra...
Short and Sweet
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Ever find yourself mindlessly scrolling through your FB/Twitter/Insta newsfeed and see someone has posted a longgggg Scripture verse? I'll admit, sometimes I read it, but most of the time, I...
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WHO YOU ARE Do you know who you are? I mean, REALLLLLY know who you are? Not just what you do, what you think, how you tick…but Who. You. Are....
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IF IT AIN'T BROKE... I learned something this week. I've just returned home from a week long mission trip, loving and ministering to people who don't know Jesus. ...
Something I never noticed before in this famous scripture passage...
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PSALM 23 We all know the 23rd Psalm - or at least some parts of it. It's like the Lords Prayer or John3:16 - we memorized it as a child and...
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Chariots of Fire. It's a favorite movie of mine. Ever seen it? It's a 1981 British historical drama film. It tells the inspirational story of two amazing athletes who compete in...
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Any coaches out there? Have a church sports league you're in charge of this Fall? How about competitive cheerleading trip, a fundraiser, your first half-marathon coming up soon? Some...
Total Body Fat Burning Workout
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Total Body Fat Burning Workout Try this awesome workout to start transforming your body! This combination of strength, plyometric, and core training is the ultimate way to spike your metabolism....
4 Truths For When You Feel Alone And Discouraged
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Having a bad day? Tough day feeling alone? Somedays I know for myself I just can't seem to think positively or I'm stuck feeling like nothing is going as planned...
A New Glory Begins!
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We believe what you wear reflects who you are. And that's why we're here. How fitting that we begin our start in transition between seasons. And such is life, a...
Not Just Another Sports Apparel Brand
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Can you name more than a handful of athletic apparel brands? Think there are plenty of sports apparel brands out there? There might be a lot out there, but there...
How Glory Active All Happened...
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So finally, trusting God in his guidance these many months, here we are, Glory Active is launching its grand opening online FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2017!
The Beginning of Glory
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It's true and it's coming! A New Christian activewear and athleisure wear company, Glory Active
Showing items 1-31 of 31.